24 July 2024
From My Window
Office hours today, Weds., from 12-2, Meeting Room A. Come on over and let’s talk about what’s on your mind. I’d like to focus on next steps regarding idling trains, see if we can divide up tasks and get some forward motion on resolving this. I talked with Paul Murphy yesterday and he indicated that a public meeting may happen in September. I’d like to see what we can do to strategize on this important issue and hopefully speed things up.
ADA compliance has come upon on several fronts. The Town hired a consultant (KMA LLC) to review the ADA situation in Town; their report should be released for public comment in 1-2 weeks, according to Town Admin. Mitch Viera. The Millbrook Meadow Committee has been waiting for this report so they might follow any guidelines in it to erect a railing on the spillway up from the meadow to the Pond, money for which work has already been secured from the Community Preservation funds (CPC). There appear to be problems with this plan, involving the distinction of a spillway vs a stairway; this is an evolving story.
A citizen spent time with me recently to demonstrate what he sees as accessibility issues with Town buildings, and loaned me his walker so I might experience the difficulty or impossibility of opening noncompliant doors, navigate dangerous gradations, deal with obstructions. Our Town has made improvements in the area of ADA and anticipates doing more in answer to the soon-to-be-released study.
Annual Reappointments to Committees and Commissions happened last week and continued this week. The current process of up-and-down yes/no vote affords no reasonable handling for dealing with personnel issues as they evolve, or for non-reappointment. Last week the Select Board voted to not reappoint Laura Kozachek to the Conservation Commission, after many years of service, and offered no discussion, rationale, or recourse in a 4-1 vote with me being the lone vote to keep her on so the Town might continue to benefit from her experience in conservation and knowledge about the Wetlands Protection Act. Absent a volunteer Personnel Board to appeal to, which is in the Town Bylaws but is not active at this time, how will we handle such situations going forward so that we might encourage people to volunteer for committees and commissions? Will pursue a better process; your ideas are welcome.
Private/Public Roads – Met with Dept. of Public Works Commissioner Bruce Reed and Gary LeBlanc regarding this issue, which I expect will be on a SB agenda soon. We have 91 private roads in town, which I understand the Town plows in the winter to enable emergency vehicle access, but a big issue has to do with repairing pot holes and routine maintenance. The most significant success case we can point to is Eden Road, which used to be a private road – and I can recall when driving it in the ‘90s it was practically unnavigable at the time! — but when the residents living along it donated it to the Town, the Town took over its maintenance and now it is a pleasure to drive along. Watch this space for more on this issue.
Proper Minute Taking. The taking of minutes seems to have become a bone of contention for some reason. Am looking into what we might be able to do about this to reach consensus.
Rockport Affordable Housing Trust (RAHFT) had no quorum, and thus no meeting in July. Diane Vella , Chair of RAHFT , and I went to the Planning Board meeting and listened to the consultant , Emily Innis of Innis Associates Ltd., whom the Town has hired to assist us in developing three bylaws for Affordable Housing in time for Spring Town Meeting . Sounds like she will conduct a transparent and interactive process. Welcome! My understanding is that she and her company will report monthly to the Planning Board, where Bob Simmons is spearheading the Affordable Housing zoning effort. First step is for her to review the Housing Production Plan (HPP), produced by consultant Accenture and Denise Donnelley and Mitch Viera, which was recently approved by the State. RAHFT needs to meet and discuss contents of this HPP report and offer feedback to the Planning Board / Innis.
South Woods closed from dusk till dawn! At last night’s Select Board meeting, Chief Horvath and Superintendent Branco and DPW Head Gary LeBlanc, Town Admin. Mitch Viera and others outlined a significant uptick in the number of teens partying at night and in the early morning hours on Town property in South Woods adjacent to the school grounds. Underage drinking combined with other unsafe behaviors represent a dangerous situation where someone very easily could get hurt. Internet-based apps using GPS technology make such flash gatherings possible, with one recent gathering involving some 100 children and young adults. Of some 76 detained, about 1/3 were from Rockport, 1/3 from Gloucester, and 1/3 apparently from elsewhere, with ages ranging from 14 to 20. Starting immediately and till further notice, the Town-owned property in South woods will be closed from dusk till dawn, with police empowered to detain any who do not comply. Check with the Town Administrator or Police Station for details. The Select Board fully supports this move. I plan to reach out to Dr. Branco to see what else we might do in terms of education of kids and parents and alternative activities for kids.
Going Solar. Don Southard and I are working together to explore, price out and draft a plan for solar panels on the roof of the DPW barn, for future consideration. Watch this space!