“Building Our Community, One Voice at a Time”

Laura Evans for Select Board


     Moving Rockport Forward with Responsive Government

I'd like a Yard Sign!

Why I Run

My goal is to work closely with other townspeople and town government to make our beautiful Town the best it can be, by tackling the difficult tasks we face moving forward, such as affordable housing, rising oceans and climate-related challenges, and a host of other important issues relating to schools and a variety of town services, businesses, and infrastructure. Most importantly, I will encourage, listen to, respond to, and leverage the extensive knowledge and commitment of our Town volunteers and employees to put “unity” back in “community” as we build and beautify our town.  Transparency and regular communication will be an essential part of this process going forward. 


  • Elected to 2 terms on Rockport School Committee (1 term as Chair)
  • Appointed Rockport Conservation Commissioner, (2022 to present)
  • Appointed 12+ years on Ad Hoc Water Committee, (2021-2023, 2024 Chair)
  • Volunteer Rockport Affordable Housing Coalition (RAHC), (2023 to present)
  • Rockport Resident since 1980
  • Publishing services business founder and owner in Rockport for 42 years
  • Moderator and facilitator in international forums


  • Married, mother of 4 and grandmother of 2
  • Pianist at Unitarian Universalist Society
  • Volunteered at Shalin Liu, Rockport Rotary, Cape Ann Shakespeare Troupe
  • Member of Schooner Adventure and Gloucester Gig Rowers, Sandy Bay Yacht Club; three-time veteran of rowing the Blackburn Challenge
  • Barnard College, Columbia University (BA in English and German)


  • Hold weekly in-person office hours
  • Communicate in open and nonlitigious fashion
  • Write a weekly “From My Window” blog summarizing Select Board activities and inviting response
  • Give the Select Board position the time, fresh attention, and transparency it needs
  • Focus on making the Town the best it can be, now and in the future

Explore My Positions




Be part of the change you want to see:

Let’s meet and talk.

I will be at Whale’s Jaw Café the first and third Wednesdays in March, April, and May, and at Brackett’s the second and fourth Wednesdays in March and April, from12:00-2:00. Come by and let’s talk Town politics! Or just stop by and say hello. Looking forward to learning what’s important to you in Town. 


  • If elected, I will hold regular office hours for the public.
  • Donate to “Committee to Elect Laura Evans” (nonprofit EIN # 88-1188659) : 
    Mail donations to: 
    Committee to Elect Laura Evans
    21 Broadway, Suite 5
    Rockport, MA 01966

Vote on May 7, 2024